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The Battle of Hamath 933BC: 15mm Egyptians vs Hittites.

This fictitious battle is fought south of Tunip which in 933BC (new chronology) was besieged by Ramesses II. The Hittites have gathered various loyal supporters to their cause which has swelled the size of the army immensely so the Hittite king has decided to confront the Egyptian army well away from the walls of Tunip and so has marched south to engage the Egyptians.
Spies from both armies have been busy so both sides know the others whereabouts, the armies have started to deploy on the plains of Hamath just west of the town of Hamath, the terrain is ideal chariot terrain with both commanders confident of victory. (Words supplied by Postie)

We gathered last Sunday for this 15mm game put on by Postie with Dave, John, Smithy and Surjit playing the Hittites and myself, BigLee and Richard playing the Egyptians, we all had a division each with the Hittites having more troops and better chariots but the Egyptians have better quality troops especially in archers. We were fine tuning Posties rules "Let the Gods decide" but they needed very little done to them and it was a good days gaming with a fine win for the Egyptians, good game, good food and good company.

Some eye candy and brief descriptions of the action.

Part of the initial Egyptian deployment.

The Hittite King forces, poor old John had to actually pay for the loyalty of his generals with several dice rolls which luckily went his way ( he took the money back though).

The town of Hamath which if you entered you had to roll a dice to see if your troops started looting and for how long!

Hittite troops stream forward.

Egyptian chariots, fast but vulnerable in melee.

Egyptian archers, good missile troops and decent infantry.

Egyptian axeman, big choppers.

You had to roll for your generals ability, I hate dice rolls like this.

Lunchtime oven chips, how he spoils us.

Richards forces defending the right flank.

Unit of Hittite spearmen, good solid troops.

The Hittite heavy chariots, ancient panzers if you let them get into melee.

Egyptians light chariots with attached runners.

Hamath where Smithy is busily looting, he was a little pissed at this.

The clash in the centre which went well for us with the help of terrible Hittite dice.

Reinforcements just in the right place at the right time.

Hittite bodyguard heavy chariots, tiger tanks of the ancient world.

The battle ended before this clash.

This didn't go well for the Egyptians and was one of the last melees before time caught up with us.

Good game with the egyptians strong in archery and the Hittites strong in infantry and heavy chariots, we destroyed a lot of Hittite light units and chariotry  but we were close ourselves to losing a lot of units and with a few more turns things may have gone the other way, playing the game again we would have deployed differently especially as we know the rules a bit better now but a good set of rules and a well balanced game.

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