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Kara's last stand

I've just added the new version of Lt. Kara Black to the Studio Store. We previewed her to the mailing list yesterday and the response has been fantastic so far. The original version of Kara was one of our most popular LE miniatures - surpassed only by Ar-Fienel, so it's nice to have her back in the range again. We're limiting this miniature to 400, rather than the normal 750 - so I'm not sure how long it will last.

Lots of other things going on in the studio at the moment - the next in line for the LE range is nearing completion, and that's looking really nice (quite large too...). I also have a slightly larger piece for The Firebrand in the works which I'm very excited about. We've also been working very hard on another project, and we're getting pretty close to the time we'll be able to announce that - stay tuned!



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