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Damnation, World War Z shooting in Tunbridge Wells, there goes my summer.

Bad news for me and Ray from link , that location scout who was here at our site scouting for a location for The World War Z zombie movie featuring Brad Pitt has screwed us over and chosen a disused Morrison's (shopping centre) in Tunbridge Wells (we're in Dartford), see here link .

The book is a good read, hopefully the movie will be just as good.

Have to put up with his whining all summer, this picture supplied by his work colleague Keir.

Might as well mention a few blogs:

From The Sorcerer's Skull: Link (Good RPG blog)

Movie Monstrosity Blog: Link (Movies)

Daily Gossip and Glitter: Link (Gossip)

The Man Cave: Link (Miniatures)

This ain't living: Link (Miniatures)

Herkybird's Nest: Link (Miniatures)

Pickles in my Ass: Link (Funny lady but she's ferocious and not for the faint hearted)

I didn't know that!!: Link (Does what it says on the tin)

AV's Corner: Link (Miniatures)

Headquarters in the Saddle: Link (Miniatures)

The Command Tent: Link (Miniatures)

I will be doing more this week, if I haven't mentioned you let me know, it doesn't cost anything and I want to do it to make more blogs available to different readers.

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