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Vapnatark Show York today

Well, to paraphrase Wallace and Gromit, "it were a grand day out". Arrived nice and early so parked very close. The nice guys from the York club let us in at 9.30 becasue it was wet and windy in the queue. Also, being of a certain age, I was desparate for a pee and the only toilets were inside the venue.......sigh of relief there for sure ;o)

I had a shopping list, in a vain attempt to control my spending. I was off piste almost straight away after having a chat with Dave at Grand Manner. I have loads of his buildings for AWI and other periods, and have nearly bought his windmill many times in the past. Well, temptation got the best of me and I bought one. Hopefully will get it done in time for out next SYW game. Then made a concerted effort to actually buy stuff I had come for, i.e. black primer and some tufts and stuff from Mutineer Miniatures (check!), two packs of Perry Hessian fusiliers from Dave Thomas (check!), assorted mdf bases from ERM (check!), more hills of S&A scenics (check!) and some fencing off Last Valley (check!). Limbers off Irregular and some gabions off Ironclad completed the list and it was not even half ten! Cup of tea with my old friend Dave and his wife Kath, and did the rounds again and picked up some dice from what looked like Dice 'r' Us and then had another cuppa with John, Neal and Rob, plus Dave and Matt from the Durham club. I then went over to see Andy at the Old Glory stand. Mistake as he had some new AWI figures - very nice they were so I had to have some of course! After a couple more circuits I left and was home by 3.30.

The verdict. A good day out. Very busy but lots to see, lots to buy and friends old and new to catch up with. Now to unpack and sort out my purchases..........

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