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Sometimes it takes someone else to show you why...


My life is still a bit f a chaotic mess, and despite my best efforts to get back on top of everything, it's not going too well. I keep thinking I'm getting on top of things and sit down to write an article when something else pops up!!! Still that's life I guess, and we have to put up with it until we die. I've been doing writing of different varieties, mainly non-blogging stuff, and maybe one day you might get to see it, especially if I can figure out what to do about self publishing stuff. But I digress.

This morning I received an email from a chap I had an email conversation with over a year ago now. He stumbled across my little corner of the Interwebs while searching for anime images and stuff to inspire his own work. He was a non-wargamer, and the sight of some of the Infinity models and artwork got him all hot and bothered... in way only us nerds can get hot and bothered. He's never really heard of this wargaming hobby, living in the cultural backwater that is Australia.
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