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Repurposing this for a bit, for D&D

 OK, how to create a Roll20 Character
Start by opening a blank character sheet, and clicking the Charactermancer button

You should see this screen :

First, pick a race from the drop down. You can pick each race and click the I icon to see the details about that race in the right-hand pane, and in the screen below the race (see next)

This shows the choice of a Goliath race (big, not too bright, strong - half human/half Giant). At this point you choose Alignment as well (thats a separate topic, it dictates the characters approach to life. I often leave this til the end of the process, once I know more about the character.

This is the lower half of the page, showing what the skill specialty of this race is, and any special powers they get

Next page, you pick the class - this determines what your character can do, in terms of wielding weapons, casting spells, and other skills. You can see at the top, the character has 2 Strength and 1 Constitution from their race. These are bonuses, which get applied later

I chose a Fighter for this character, as they are generally the simplest to play, with the fewest options and choices in combat. Basically you run up and hit things. This is a very necessary part of any group. This allows the choice of 2 skills (which I've done from the drop down lists) and a Fighting Style (again, you can pick each possible style and see the description of it just below, til you find which one sounds good to you).

This is the lower part of the screen, showing what other special bits the class of this character gets.

The next screen is where you choose what abilities your character has. There are six of these:|
Strength is obvious
Dexterity is agility and quickness, and skill with hands
Constitution is how well you sustain damage done to you, and how quick you recover it
Intelligence is ... knowledge
Wisdom is common sense, and spiritual strength
Charisma is ... well, charisma, how attractive you are in personality (and maybe in looks)

These are all in a range of 1 to 20, for describing all races and types. Players always start with a basic 8 in all abilities, and 27 points to spend to increase them. Each point over 13 costs double, and the maximum you can raise any ability to is 15 (at this point, during the game you can improve them)

The points are allocated just by clicking on the score you want for each. When allocating, it's important to know that the benefit you derive from each ability half the amount above 10 the score is, so having even numbers for your abilities is more beneficial and efficient

As you allocate these, the scores above will adjust. Note that you can get above 15 with abilities due to your racial bonuses. 

Next, you pick your background, which determines what additional skills you have: but mostly this is for flavour, giving some depth to your character, and gives you ideas for a backstory of how they became an adventurer.

Lower down this page you can pick personality traits from dropdown lists (or roll for them randomly).

Then you pick equipment, which is always Class Equipment (from the top dropdown) then specifics. In this example, the goliath as a fighter has a choice of leather (light) or chainmail (heavy) armour. This is because some fighters are focussed on strength and need heavy armour, others are based on quickness and dexterity, so benefit more from light armour that doesnt slow them down.

Next you get to pick spells, which Fighters dont get

Then you get to pick Feats, which noone* starts with (this screen is of use when you get to higher levels)

Then you pick your physical details - there are largely up to your whim, you can get suggestions on these from the right-hand pane describing your race

Finally you get the review screen - anything you've omitted to fill out will be spelt out in Red here, and you can use the buttons above above the abilities to get back to any earlier screen.

Once you apply the changes, you get your final character sheet:

this is the lower half of the character sheet.  For spell casters, there's another tab specifying spells, but thats not a concern for Fighters :)

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