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NBA 2K21 Next-Gen MyPlayer Builder Tips

Do you want to control the play with a pass-first point guard? Do you want to be a slashing forward or a defensive perimeter beast? Do you want to be a paint beast center or an all-rounder? In this guides, we'll tell you about NBA 2K21 Next-Gen MyPlayer Builder, and run through some important tips to help you build the ultimate demigod superstar.

NBA 2K21 Next-Gen MyPlayer Builder

1. Don't overthink the My Player Builder.

Don't overthink what you're trying to create. You have the capacity to go back and edit your player or create up to ten additional players, so you're not locked to the player you create.

2. You need to prepare your players to be a superstar from the start.

Your player is not going to be a superstar from the get-go, but you still want to set them up for success as best as possible right from the start. Don't create a slow point guard if you're aiming to be a slasher. Don't create a weak Centre if you want to be a rim protector.

NBA 2K21 next-gen mixes things up a bit with its MyPlayer Builder, but the core philosophy remains the same: create your player and try to make them as well-rounded and balanced as possible.

3. Mold a player that both suits your own play style, whilst also embracing the design and gameplay philosophies of NBA 2K21.

Have a real think about the type of player you want to be, and then embrace the resources and skills presented to you to reach it.

If you want to be a point guard, don't expect the game to hand you rebounding on a silver platter, so don't bother trying to shape a player around that. Point Guards and Shooting Guards have high playmaking potential, so you want to prioritize skill sets that ultimately fit these attributes.

The Shooting Guard and Small Forward positions require a lot of off-ball movement and screens, so I feel there's more focus on the fundamentals of basketball with these positions, especially without the ball. Ultimately, you want to have the speed and agility to get good positioning, whilst also being strong in shooting off the dribble and off-ball movement.

Centre and Power Forward positions are as you'd expect: beastly. Rebound, block, defend, and score in the post. The defense is key here in my opinion because the offense will come naturally given you're so close to the basket and should have the physical strength to score.

4. How to start distributing attributes?

MyPlayer Builder

Once you've refined your player's physical appearance, it's time to start thinking about how you're going to start distributing attributes. Here's how I think you should prioritize attributes based on position.

• Play-Making PG/SG: Playmaking > Shooting > Finishing > Defense/Rebounding
• Shot Creator PG/SG: Shooting > Finishing > Playmaking > Defense/Rebounding
• Slash PG: Finishing > Shooting > Defense/Rebounding > Playmaking
• Defensive Forward/Centre: Defense/Rebounding > Playmaking > Finishing > Shooting
• Shot Maker/Scoring Forward/Centre: Shooting > Defense/Rebounding > Finishing > Playmaking
• Paint Beast Forward/Centre: Defense/Rebounding > Finishing > Playmaking > Shooting

A key change in NBA 2K21 next-gen is the removal of pie charts. This is because your attributes are mostly dictated by physical attributes, position, etc. So your player's physical attributes — both in the player design phase and the attribute spend phase — tend to have the largest impact on your attribute ceilings for each skill. My recommendation is to manage these attributes first, and then go back and identify other attributes to focus on depending on your desired style.

5. Not all categories cost the same amount of upgrade points.

Not all categories cost the same amount of upgrade points, and there's not an exact number of upgrade points. 1 to 2 points in the interior defense rating can equal 5 to 10 points in the perimeter defense. 1 to 3 points in pass accuracy in the 20+ playmaking badge range could equal 20 to 40 points in the close shot to get 3 finishing badges. Therefore, it'll cost you more to have really high ratings in fewer categories, versus going to more even distributions in multiple categories.

6. Access to certain badges and levels of badges are restricted by position and stats.

Height and position are the two biggest things that will determine your badge levels. Little things like tweaking wingspan and weight can also unlock or block certain badges levels for you. Keep an eye out on the highlighted badges when picking stats, and on the required vertical needed to unlock certain contact dunks or alley-oop packages.

7. The +4's from reaching 99 does apply to the stats in order to reach certain badge levels.

For example, if you needed an X 3 point rating to unlock HOF Limitless 3's, check the "Test Build" feature to see if an overall from 96 to 99 can unlock certain badge levels or not. EDIT Don't forget the +4's to physicals from reaching 99 overall.

8. Certain badges require a certain rating to upgrade.

After you have made the build, certain badges also require a certain rating to upgrade. As in you have to upgrade your pass accuracy or ball-handling to X rating to be able to use your earned badge points on certain playmaking badges.

9. When you reach certain overall cap breakers, there's not a set number of upgrade points.

For example, upgrading a high 3 point rating or rebounding rating may only allow 1 to 2 points to hit 86 overall while upgrading a low close shot or free throw rating can equal more like 5 to 6 points to hit 86 overall.

10. You can only change takeover after maxing out all your badges.

When you do, it unlocks the "Mamba Mentality" badge which allows you to change your takeovers whenever you want.

Here are all the NBA 2K21 next-gen MyPlayer Builder tips. From the ground up, you can shape your own archetype, with tools readily available to grow a player ripe for My Career, and ready to propel into NBA stardom.

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